Kroka’s Sustainability Education Project

Help us build environmental leaders through immersive sustainability education…

The final stage in the completion of our farmhouse reconstruction will be to create a Regenerative Building Dashboard – a highly interactive and informative energy education system.

Kroka will be working with the award winning Linnean Solutions design firm to engineer and install  this dashboard that will engage and educate visitors by translating complex systems into a simple and visually compelling narrative, rooted in Kroka’s core principles of “beauty, simplicity, and sustainability.”

Through a network of meters, sensors, and hands-on data collection, the system will collect and display real-time information made accessible to a variety of audiences. This data will help viewers to:

  • Become solidly educated on how the building systems work
  • Be mindful of our precious resources and more knowledgeable about solutions that improve efficiency
  • Become advocates, educators and thought leaders in the areas of sustainability and resiliency

The main dashboard features will include:

  • ENERGY – electricity consumption (grid) and generation (solar)
  • WATER – gallons consumed (groundwater), repurposed (greywater) and collected (rainwater)
  • HEAT – warmth & hot water generation (solar thermal, insulation, wood boiler)
  • WASTE – material and human waste/wastewater generated, composted & recycled (recycling, composting toilets)
  • MATERIALS – sourcing of materials in construction of building

Check out Linnean Solutions recent work at our partner organization, The Hitchcock Center

To complete this project and fully live into the potential of what this building has to teach us we need to raise $35,000.
Help us reach our final goal and donate today!