September 13, 2024

Dear Kroka Community,

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began in early 2020 Kroka has been working vigilantly to keep our staff, students, and community safe. Our response to COVID-19 has been informed by state and local guidance and our Risk Management Committee, and is continuously evolving.

We no longer have any COVID-19 specific policies, although we maintain our commitment to keeping our campus healthy and safe. We will respond to any fever, cough, or flu like symptoms regardless of a positive COVID-19 test. If a participant demonstrates any of these symptoms, that is enough reason to postpone their Kroka trip.

We will continue to take all necessary precautions and stay up to date on recommendations from our public health officials and our community.

With warm thoughts and visions for the positive future,

Kroka Leadership Council

Be like a bird, who
Halting in her flight
On a limb too slight
Feels it giving way beneath her
Yet sings, sings knowing she has wings
Yet sings, sings knowing she has wings

– Victor Hugo