“The care for the students was palpable, even as they were instructed to take care of the group needs before their own, and asked to confront their own mistakes and failures in a new way”
“Our guides had solid insights into adolescent behavior and crafted all of the experiences, from setting up camp to canoeing, caving, and hiking, to stretch the kids physically and emotionally. They genuinely tried to set the class up for success, but then made sure they were truly challenged.”
“The food was outrageously good. Hands down the best I’ve ever eaten in the backcountry. While on expedition we are healing our bodies and minds and expanding our perspective in ways that we cannot while in our daily lives. I thought it was an awesome example to show that in order to do this successfully we cannot forget about healing our bodies with the right food rather than eating convenient, but lousy meals everyday.”

Quotes from students
“The real change for me came on the day we first entered the canyon and went for a hike up to the top of the canyon. When we reached the top we began to explore the ancient seabed of dried up sea and saw tiny pockets of earth where little plants grew, forming hundreds of little desert gardens. During this time storm clouds were gathering and were now directly above us, so we all began to make our way to the path leading back to camp. As the sky deepened in color I began to pick up speed, half in fear and half for the fun of feeling the wind in my face. At that moment as I leaped across the rocks I truly felt alive, not caring about how my hair was and how I looked, I simply felt invigorated and felt like I could truly do anything in the world. At that moment I truly understood why we were on this trip and how powerful and beautiful nature can be.”
“For some people, when they think of the word “field trip,” an image of a trip to the zoo or a museum comes to mind: children all in matching clothes with teachers closely chaperoning them at all times. If only they could see Kroka: children not only learning but doing, being free to explore with bare feet, wake up with the sunrise, and sing to the stars.”
“The sound of the rushing river, the sweet, piney scent of the hobbit holes, and the taste of the kasha will be with me forever.”
Water lapping towards the land
Clouds that drift according to plan
A boat of wood and canvas holds
Our days of journey which then unfolds
The oars that break the water swiftly
Here and there, designed to quickly
Carry our souls from shore to shore
Till homeward bound we are once more
The surrendered world is clearly seen
From windowed cars and TV screens
Yet outside bird and leaf and sea
All seem to smile up at me
-8th grade student