Grades 9 – 12
Palugo, Ecuador
Immerse your class in the busy and purposeful life of the Inter Andean Plato. After settling your group into the handcrafted Chozon, you will begin feeling the pulse of life at Palugo farm and community. Every morning you will wake up to the sight of the magnificent snowcapped volcano Cotopaxi looming on the horizon. But there is only a moment to look – the morning chores are waiting! Milking cows, making cheese and yogurt, planting and harvesting, there is plenty of good work for everyone!
Our days on the farm will be split between working on the land, studying the principles of Permaculture (sustainable design for home and farm) and learning how to make many wonderful crafts with our hands. Possible projects include weaving baskets, sewing leather pouches, making healing balms, clay bowls and felted hats. In all the projects we will be guided and assisted by native people who form a backbone of Palugo farm.
Students will be introduced to principles of ecological building and get a chance to explore many beautifully handcrafted structures. We will cook all of our meals together on an open fire and bake in the clay oven (including a special pizza night).
Off the farm we will participate in community service at a near by village, hike through the Paramos (Andean Highlands) to the natural hot springs for an enjoyable soak, visit old Quito and a local artisan’s market.